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This procedure will help men have a flatter chest appearance. Imagine being able to wear nice fitting shirts without having to worry about your breast being an issue.


This procedure will help men have a flatter chest appearance. Imagine being able to wear nice fitting shirts without having to worry about your breast being an issue.

Plastic Surgery

Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)

Gynecomastia is the growth of glandular tissue in a male’s chest. It is actually a very common condition that can develop during one’s childhood or puberty, during aging, and it can also be caused from weight gain. Almost 60% of men have this issue. There are also many possible factors that can cause gynecomastia including:

  • Excess estrogen medication (female hormones)
  • Use of steroids
  • Anti-anxiety medications
  • Antibiotics

Excess fat in the male breast can also be related to medical conditions such as:

  • Obesity
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Low testosterone levels

Doctor Lipo will first have to determine if the patient is a good candidate for this method. After it has been approved, the procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure and can involve either local or general anesthesia. The surgery begins with a small incision being made on the breast, while a small cannula is placed where the incision was made. The doctor will then carefully start contouring the male chest via liposuction giving the patient a nicer flatter look, eliminating accumulated fat. If the breast is made up mostly of excess fat tissue, then liposuction will surely do the job. The incisions made on the chest are so small, making them barely visible. Patient will have to come with someone on their surgery day, that person will have to drive them back to their home.

Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery

The objective is to help the patient regain their self-confidence back by lessening the feminine appearance. It can be difficult and embarrassing for men to walk around with their shirt off having this condition, which is why Male Breast Reduction can be the solution to that problem. It can help men physically and psychologically, decreasing stress and increasing certainty. This procedure will help men have a flatter chest appearance. Imagine being able to wear nice fitting shirts without having to worry about your breast being an issue.

What to Look Forward to After Surgery

It is completely normal to experience discomfort after the procedure. After the anesthesia wears off, patient might feel slight pain and some swelling. This will go away around the first or second week. Results will be noticeable right away, patient will be able to see final results after a couple of months. A couple days after the surgery, patient will have to schedule several appointments for a checkup with the doctor to see the healing process. Patient also has to come back to the EvolutionMD for aftercare lymphatic massages. Our professional masseuses’ will start out by draining the chest. Massages are necessary after liposuction to smooth out the area of the body that has had work done, improve circulation, provide a quicker recovery, and eliminate any extra fluids accumulated in the body. Patient can resume to daily activities such as light exercise after one week and can go back to work after one to two weeks. A compression garment will be provided by the doctor, this is to ensure maximum results. In order to make sure if the chest garment is too tight, the individual will have to insert his finger in between the garment if the individual cannot place his finger in between the garment and his body then it means that the garment is too tight. It is extremely important to avoid direct sunlight on to the incisions made on the chest until fully healed. We also recommend eating healthy and continuing regular exercise after 3 weeks.

Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person


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