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Face & Neck Lift

Rejuvenate your face, and improve your appearance, by subtracting years from your face.

Face & Neck Lift

Rejuvenate your face, and improve your appearance, by subtracting years from your face.

Plastic Surgery

Face & Neck Lift

Rejuvenate your face, and improve your appearance, by subtracting years from your face.

The face and neck surgery dramatically improves the youthful appearance, and help the aesthetics of the face with a healthier appearance building confidence within.

With age, damage of the skin occurs due to sunlight. Around the age of 30 face and neck surgery is standard gold, meaning skin lifting creates a pleasant rejuvenating appearance, adapted to customer needs.

Benefits Reporting

Stretches and tightens sagging skin. It also reduces the famous chin, creating a softer jaw as well as raising the middle and lower portion of the cheek. Wrinkles are reduced giving the chin a submental profile, giving it a stronger look and smoothing out the outline by removing the turkey neck.

Procedures to do

Loosening of the skin by incision, achieving tightening of the subcutaneous soft tissues. An incision is made removing excess skin associated with liposuction of the neck in the same proceeding also removing excess fat, reinforcing the success that is achieved in several ways. The technique mini elevator, lower facelift and cheek elevation creates a nice facial and neck contour.

The application of laser drastically results in reducing wrinkles and filling therapy that helps rejuvenate the cheeks.

Safety proceed.

The healing is rapid, improving the appearance with the technique of micro pigmentation carried out by three months. Results can vary from person to person. With expert hands the preservation of the musculature and innervation cervical fascio is secure.


Total recovery occurs approximately after ten days as it is done with local anesthesia, the postsurgical pain almost nonexistent, allowing the patient to carry on without strenuous activities.
It can take between two to three weeks for total recovery, this can vary from person to person. Approximately after four weeks the patient could perform all activities, including physical exercise. Which speeds their recovery by facilitating healing, stimulating the immune system and improving physical and psychological welfare. The majority of customers from forty years of age who show signs of aging on the face are affected to a greater extent by genetics, sun exposure, or smoking. A neck and face lift is a great option for both men and women, resulting in increased confidence, work performance and social acceptance.

Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person


The surgical procedure can result in youthful, prominent, perky buttocks and a more sensual body profile.

Breast Lift

Get the most beautiful, natural looking breast shaping results.


A safe and predictable cosmetic surgery procedure, which allows a more delicate sculpting.

Breast Augmentation

Enhance your appearance and self-image.

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