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Liposuction involves the removal of subcutaneous fat cells that cause unsightly bulging in the human anatomy. Evolution MD is a leader in liposuction procedures in the area of Miami. Liposuction is one of the safest and most predictable cosmetic surgery procedures, which allows a more delicate sculpture.


Liposuction involves the removal of subcutaneous fat cells that cause unsightly bulging in the human anatomy. Evolution MD is a leader in liposuction procedures in the area of Miami. Liposuction is one of the safest and most predictable cosmetic surgery procedures, which allows a more delicate sculpture.

Plastic Surgery

Liposuction Miami

Liposuction involves the removal of subcutaneous fat cells that cause unsightly bulging in the human anatomy. Evolution MD is a leader in liposuction procedures in the area of Miami. Liposuction is one of the safest and most predictable cosmetic surgery procedures, which allows a more delicate sculpture. It is characterized as an outpatient procedure and involves only local anesthesia allowing the patient to return to their daily activities in approximately 24-72 hours and perform physical exercise without limitations after three weeks. In most cases, it can vary from person to person. Liposuction scars do not show, as it is accomplished with the use of small instruments such as cannulas for lipo extraction.


Liposuction and Liposculpture at Evolution MD: Features and Benefits for Miami Patients

At Evolution MD, we offer cutting-edge liposuction and liposculpture services tailored to help our Miami patients achieve their desired body contours. Led by Dr. Lipo, a recognized expert in body contouring, our advanced techniques allow for precise fat removal and reshaping, providing long-lasting results with minimal downtime. Whether you’re looking to improve the appearance of your stomachchin, or other body areas, our specialized liposuction techniques offer a solution designed to meet your specific goals.

What is Liposuction and Liposculpture?

Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that removes stubborn fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomenthighshipsarms, and back. Using our unique liposculpture technique, Dr. Lipo not only removes fat but also sculpts the body to enhance natural contours. Additionally, fat transfer is an option for enhancing volume in areas like the facelegschest, and shoulders, or correcting previous irregularities.

Liposuction Cost and Pricing in Miami

One of the most common questions from our Miami patients is regarding the cost of liposuction. At Evolution MD, we offer competitive pricing while delivering exceptional care and results. Pricing varies based on the area treated and the complexity of the procedure. During your consultation, Dr. Lipo will provide a customized plan that aligns with your body goals and budget.

Targeted Areas: From Stomach to Chin

Liposuction is effective for both larger areas like the stomach and more targeted zones such as the chin. Whether you’re dealing with stubborn fat around your midsection or looking to refine your jawline, our liposuction techniques ensure smooth, natural-looking results. Stomach liposuction is especially popular for patients who want a flatter, more contoured abdomen.

Liposuction Near Me: Why Choose Evolution MD in Miami?

Many people search for “liposuction near me” to find the best providers in their area. Located in Miramar, FloridaEvolution MD is conveniently situated between Fort Lauderdale International Airport and Miami International Airport, making it easily accessible for both local and international patients. Our state-of-the-art facilities, combined with the expertise of Dr. Lipo, ensure that our patients receive the highest standard of care and the best possible results.

Post-Operative Care: Ensuring the Best Results

After your procedure, we recommend lymphatic massages every other day for one month to promote healing and reduce swelling. At Evolution MD, these massages are performed by licensed therapists, trained and supervised directly by Dr. Lipo to ensure optimal recovery. Wearing a compression garment for several weeks post-surgery also helps maintain the new contours and speeds up the recovery process.

Does Liposuction Provide Long-Lasting Results?

Yes! Liposuction offers long-lasting results as the fat cells removed during the procedure do not regenerate. However, maintaining a stable weight through proper diet and exercise is key to preserving your new shape. For patients who gain weight post-surgery, fat will typically be deposited in areas where liposuction was not performed.

Liposuction and Liposculpture for Out-of-State and International Patients

At Evolution MD, we understand that many patients travel from across the U.S. and internationally to undergo liposuction or liposculpture with Dr. Lipo, one of the most recognized experts in the field. We provide superior results thanks to our vast experience, advanced techniques, and personalized care. Our clinic is AAAHC certified, ensuring the highest standards of safety and care. Not only do we offer competitive pricing, making it more affordable for out-of-state and international patients, but we also prioritize safety, reliability, and minimally invasive procedures that lead to faster recovery times.

To make your journey to Miami seamless, we offer virtual consultations so you can begin your process without traveling. We also provide referrals to recovery houses, hotels, and transportation services, ensuring a comfortable experience from start to finish. We understand that traveling for surgery may raise concerns, but our team addresses all potential objections, such as logistics, safety, and post-operative care, by offering a comprehensive package that includes everything you need. At Evolution MD, we ensure a smooth process so you can focus on your transformation, not the details.

If you’re ready to take control of your body and achieve lasting, transformative results, contact Evolution MD today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Lipo, Miami’s leading expert in liposuction and liposculpture.

Liposuction 101 with Dr. Lipo

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When is it safe to exercise after having had Liposuction? Would it be the same amount of time if I had laser Liposuction?
    • After having any kind of liposuction procedure, whether it is being traditional or laser liposuction the patient has to wait one month before exercising again. 
  • I have a stomach pouch; can I have Liposuction on my lower abdomen to eliminate it?
    • Everyone can have liposuction on any part of their body where there is fat. Although it all depends on each person and their skin elasticity. We would also have to see if the person has intra-abdominal fat, some people believe that they have fat outside the muscle when in reality they have fat inside the muscle. The fat inside the muscle cannot be removed with liposuction, only with diet and exercise.
  • Is it normal for my stomach to swell up after having liposuction on my flanks and love handles?
    • Yes, swelling is normal after six months of having any liposuction procedure. Whether it is smart lipo, traditional, or laser liposuction, it is completely normal to feel swollen in the next couple of months. Usually the first month is the worse, when you have the most liquid retention. This is why we advise our patients to have lymphatic massages performed, which will help drain the liquid out. Taking natural remedies such as pineapple juice and a lot of liquids will also help with the inflammation. Using your garment on a daily basis will also reduce the swelling.
  • Is it possible to get liposuction performed on someone with loose skin?
    • Liposuction can be performed on loose skin, but the patient would need to understand that liposuction is not a procedure to tighten the skin. There are certain devices and treatments to help get better skin retraction. When comparing laser liposuction versus power assisted liposuction you get better skin tightening results. The post-operative care is also very important for skin tightening, if you use your garment for long periods of time, you will obtain better results and skin retraction. Radio Frequency and Post Lymphatic massages can also be useful after liposuction, this procedure helps tighten the skin. Liposuction is not a method used for skin retraction, but we do offer a lot of treatments that will help with loose skin after having done liposuction. 
  • Can you perform a Brazilian Butt Lift on a patient who is still breastfeeding?
    • In general, the patient cannot obtain any type of anesthesia if she is breastfeeding, because that anesthesia will go through the breast milk and affect the baby. It is toxic to the baby. Any surgeon that is willing to do liposuction while the patient is still breastfeeding is being negligent. 
  • If I start working out, will I lose the fat that was transferred to my gluteus easily?
    • Yes, if you start exercising and lose weight, the fat that you had transferred will disappear because it is still natural fat. For example, if you gain weight you are going to gain weight in that area where you have more fat deposits. Whereas, if you lose weight you are going to lose volume in the area where the fat was transferred. Our advice would be, after having a fat transfer procedure the patient should remain the same weight. The patient should weigh themselves every week in order to maintain the same shape. 
  • If I am sitting for a long time, for example if I work at a desk and then go home to sit down some more, can my butt get smaller?
    • Our recommendation after surgery is not to sit at all for one week and then after that week the patient should sit with support for another two weeks. In our experience, patient obtains 70 to 80% of the fat, although there are some cases when people lose a lot of volume but that is only 1 or 2% of the cases. 
  • Do you have to be a certain age to get liposuction?
    • There is no certain age in which a person can obtain a liposuction procedure, although if you are a minor you would need permission from your parents. We do however recommend to obtain a liposuction procedure once the body has fully developed. We prefer to perform Liposuction on patients who are older than 18 years old. We have performed Liposuction on patients that are up to 80 years old, as long as the patient is healthy and there are no contra-indications the patient can have a lipo procedure from 18 without parents’ permission up to 100 years if you are healthy. 
  • Will Liposuction be an issue for me in the future if I want to have kids?
    • Liposuction does not affect the patient in any way if she wants to have a baby after having the procedure done. As a matter of fact, we recommend obtaining liposuction done before pregnancy, because if you lose all the fat around your belly and in your body once you get pregnant, the patient will only retain baby weight not fat tissue weight. 
  • When can I have intimacy after my surgery?
    • A patient can have sex as soon as they feel comfortable. After surgery the patient will be sore, so which can cause some discomfort. What we do recommend is that if the patient engages in sexual activities, please be very careful. Some patients are known to wait at least a week before having intimacy again. 
  • When can I have another procedure after having had liposuction?
    • We recommend waiting at least four to six months, until the swelling goes down and the inflammation goes away. 
  • How long will I need to wear my compression garment for after surgery?
    • We recommend wearing your garment for six weeks straight, day and night 22 hours a day and only take it off when taking a shower. 


The surgical procedure can result in youthful, prominent, perky buttocks and a more sensual body profile.

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A safe and predictable cosmetic surgery procedure, which allows a more delicate sculpting.

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