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Labiaplasty, also known as a female genital surgery is performed to modify the inner or outer labia for either aesthetics or discomfort reasons.


Labiaplasty, also known as a female genital surgery is performed to modify the inner or outer labia for either aesthetics or discomfort reasons.

Plastic Surgery

Labiaplasty (Vaginoplasty)

Labiaplasty, also known as a female genital surgery is performed to modify the inner or outer labia for either aesthetics or discomfort reasons. This very serious condition may cause slight pain or annoyance to some women while either exercising, bike riding, and even during intimacy due to the oversized labia. This problem could have evolved during childbirth, due to intercourse, or the individual could also have been born with it. Ether local or general anesthesia can be used when it comes to Labiaplasty surgery, it is the patient’s choice. Local anesthesia is most commonly used. The surgery starts off by Doctor Lipo or Doctor Zayas carefully trimming the labia with surgical scissors or laser, reducing the size of the labia by contouring it or making them symmetrically even. When the excess tissue is removed, the doctor will then seam the incision together. The surgery can last from one to two hours. When coming in for your surgery it is very important to bring one person with you that will drive you home after the surgery is done, this is because you will still be mildly sedated.

Benefits that come with Labiaplasty

Most women are very satisfied with the results after having Labiaplasty. It could be embarrassing having this condition, women have mentioned situations where their vaginal lips have hung out while wearing a bathing a suit or tight lingerie. With this surgery, there will be no more chafing discomfort or awkwardness when wearing tight pants, whether it being yoga pants or skinny jeans! This procedure has also been known to give women a greater sexual sensation during intimacy, considering that clitoral hood reduction or vaginal rejuvenation can also be worked on. If you are struggling with this issue, just give us a call and gain confidence as well as feel sexy.

Recovery Process

Once the procedure is over, the patient will need to set up a follow up appointment so the doctor can monitor the healing process and health condition. Bruising and swelling of the labia will go away after four weeks, and remaining swelling may vanish after a couple months. In order to reduce inflammation, we recommend using ice two days after surgery. Doctor Lipo or Doctor Zayas will also prescribe a medication in order to reduce pain and avoid any risks of infection and give you suitable cleaning instructions for the incision. It is important to know that:
  • A pad will need to be used for at least one week, because there might be postsurgical bleeding spots coming from the genital area.
  • Patients can return to their regular activities such as exercising after three weeks
  • Intercourse can be resumed after six weeks
  • Tampons can be used again after four weeks
  • The individual is allowed to shower the next day
After surgery, patient can return home that same day. Your doctor will go over any other risks before surgery, during a consultation.
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person


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