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Blepharoplasty is a surgery that improves the appearance. Its objective is aimed at correcting the eyes so that one can look rested and rejuvenated again, an intervention will change not only the face’s appearance but also the expressions and emotions.


Blepharoplasty is a surgery that improves the appearance. Its objective is aimed at correcting the eyes so that one can look rested and rejuvenated again, an intervention will change not only the face’s appearance but also the expressions and emotions.

Plastic Surgery


Blepharoplasty is a surgery that improves the appearance. Its objective is aimed at correcting the eyes so that one can look rested and rejuvenated again, an intervention will change not only the face’s appearance but also the expressions and emotions.

After 35 years, any apparent excess skin around the eyes can cause drooping eyebrows. There are several factors that determine the appearance of the eyelids and excess skin is not the only one, others like the crease brow position and proper valuation is making the best possible result for the client. The key to success is based on good planning.

Blepharoplasty is the ultimate corrective technique that helps to remove excess skin. Fat and sculpt muscles tighten, achieving the desired final appearance, also correcting the ptosis due to deep knowledge of ocular anatomy by professional manager proceed.

The procedure involves no income, so it is fully ambulatory and duration not exceeding 45 minutes; in most cases, can vary from person to person. No postoperative pain is present.

In a week approximately, it is considered to be safe for the person to resume their normal activities, and full recovery will be achieved in a month. Results can vary from person to person. Scarring is almost invisible within approximately three months, both when the lid is closed and when it is open, the area of incision is completely invisible.

It ensures less postoperative swelling and discoloration of the skin, with durable and great results.

Blepharoplasty is a cosmetic intervention which has many aesthetic benefits in store. For example, bags under the eyes are the most incipient sign of aging; they make the eyes age, and the face appear unpleasant to behold, because of the retention of grease on the skin, and how it is unnaturally stretched, which makes it look very deteriorated.

Do not hesitate! Select this method to improve your appearance, and remember that your face is the first impression to the outside world, as your expressions denote your feelings, character, and mood.

Will I have to be in the hospital?

Cosmetic eyelid procedure can be done in a hospital, in an outpatient surgery center, or in your physician office-based surgical suite. Blepharoplasty is considered an outpatient procedure. Therefore, you will most likely return to the comfort of your home the same day. Local anesthesia with intravenous sedation is most common for this procedure. However, you and your surgeon may decide that general anesthesia may be the best choice for you. Both methods will insure your ultimate comfort and safety during the process..

What kind of risks are involved?

Eyelid surgery is a safe procedure that has been performed for over 75 years. Thousands of men and women experience this surgery every year with no major complications. As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks. Your surgeon can discuss the details with you in a personal consultation.

How long will it last?

Your eyes, and consequently, your entire expression will look younger for years. This can vary from person to person. Discuss with your physician the best way to maintain your results.

What kind of follow-up care will I need?

You will return to your surgeon’s office for a postoperative visit almost immediately, and periodically thereafter to monitor your progress. Usually there are more frequent visits in the first 2 to 3 weeks and then only occasionally afterwards.

Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person


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