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Hormone Replacement Therapy


Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a type of treatment where the body is given hormones to prevent or treat certain medical conditions. The hormones used in HRT are synthetic hormones, which means they are created in a laboratory rather than by the body, but they act like natural hormones once inside the body. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can be used to treat the following conditions or symptoms: Weight Control, Fatigue/Energy Loss, Lost Libido, Sleeplessness, Memory Loss/Concentration, and Skin Tone/Appearance.

Neuro Endocrine Evaluation

Medical Evaluation and Neuro Endocrine Assessment.

In order to help you achieve your maximum level of body function, Evolution MD has developed individualized plans.

Every evaluation is individualized based in the first visit metabolic analysis, endocrine exam and specific blood tests to evaluate neuro- endocrine function and need for hormonal replacement. A comprehensive proposal of treatment options is decided by you along with Dr. Velilla, to help you achieve your personal goals.


We don’t provide hormone replacement outside of the FDA approved guidelines for hormone replacement, we also don’t provide hormone replacement for bodybuilding or anabolic use. We only provide hormone replacement after careful consideration and prove of the need for hormone replacement therapy.

Level A- Basic Evaluation

Evaluation at this level is made by a physician with complete review of patient’s previous medical history and their medication impact in the aging process. An individualized plan consistent with the use of diet, exercise, antioxidants and multivitamins is made along with ONLY basic blood test.

Level B- Complete Evaluation

This is the beginning of Neuro-endocrine work-up. It is consistent in a detail metabolic analysis, neurological exam, and specific blood test to evaluate your Neuro-endocrine functioning and need for hormonal replacement. At the end of the evaluation you can expect to have a comprehensive proposal of treatment options, which will enable you to decide on a specific course of treatment that best suits your individual needs and lifestyle to help achieve your personal goals.

Level C- V.I.P Evaluation

After the age of 30, the aging process accelerates making this the perfect time to delay aging. Everyone with family history of heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, chest pain, smoking or sedentary lifestyle should undergo this evaluation as well as everyone already with the disease.

We have an early detection system to uncover any asymptomatic life-threatening disease generally not detectable by physical exam or standard screening tests. This allows management of disease at earlier stages where medical therapy and treatment options are less costly and less invasive as well as more effective.

The evaluation includes Levels A and B plus a complete non- invasive full body scan. Once you complete this Ultra- extensive evaluation you will be offered the opportunity to enroll in Dr. Velilla’s private medical practice for a semi-annual fee that includes unlimited consultation via e-mail, phone and in office consultation with periodic intervals as needed. This includes: one hour long evaluation every three months, either at the office or at home. After the second year, the cost of the program is only half, since your yearly consultation is included in your semiannual professional fee.

For a complete list of prices please call the office for a detailed explanation of benefits and fees.

Descargo de responsabilidad: Los resultados pueden variar de una persona a otra

Implantes faciales

Consiga el rejuvenecimiento facial que tanto desea. Al cabo de unas semanas su rostro se sentirá fresco y parecerá más joven.


Para corregir la mirada y recuperar un aspecto descansado y rejuvenecido.

Cirugía del oído

Comience a disfrutar de los resultados finales de su cirugía de orejas en un plazo mínimo de tres meses

Aumento de labios

Mejora el aspecto juvenil, y ayuda a la estética de la cara en poco tiempo.

Aumento de glúteos

¿Te gustaría conseguir firmeza y volumen en tus glúteos? ¡Te ofrecemos una gran solución!

Implante de Senos 

Realce su feminidad con unos pechos sexys de tamaño proporcionado y de la altura indicada.

Oferta especial

Consulta gratuita con nuestros expertos

Todo lo que necesitas para sentirte sana y guapa

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